

University of Trento, Feb 2019 - Oct 2019
Node.js Express Jest PostgreSQL Heroku TravisCI React Figure Eight Toloka

As part of my Ph.D. work, I designed and contributed to the implementation of CrowdHub, a platform for running controlled crowdsourcing experiments. To implement the initial version of the platform, I supervised two bachelor students that were in charge of implementing CrowdHub's backend and frontend.


University of Trento, Jan 2018 - Jul 2018
Node.js Express Jest Flask PostgreSQL Heroku React Amazon Mechanical Turk

As part of my Ph.D. work, I designed and implemented CrowdRev, a platform that allows users to perform citation screening using crowdsourcing. During this work, I also supervised two bachelor students in designing and implementing the reporting module.

Open Data portal, Ministry of Finance

Codium S.A., May 2017 - Dec 2017
Java EE Oracle AngularJS

Led a team of 5 developers to extend the open data portal. This project allows 7+ million citizens to check what are the country’s expenses. Worked with several department directors to understand their portion of the system and database, leading to the release of 8 new datasets and visualizations.

AppCivist, a platform for participatory budgeting

UC Berkeley (Remote), Sep 2016 - Sep 2017

Implemented the new version of the frontend, evolving the initial (monolithic) jQuery-based prototype to a component-based architecture using AngularJS.

Active transparency portal

Codium S.A., Aug 2016 - Jan 2017
Java EE PostgreSQL AngularJS

Led a team of 3 developers to build a system that regularly crawls the website from 300+ public institutions, ensuring these publish required documents, and offers a dashboard for monitoring.

Unified portal for accessing public information

Codium S.A., Aug 2015 - Mar 2016
Java EE PostgreSQL AngularJS

Led a team of 2 developers to create a portal for the Ministry of Information Technologies that allows 7+ million citizens to request documents from public institutions.


Polytechnic Faculty, National University of Asuncion, Jun 2015 - Jan 2016
Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL JWT redis Swagger

Implemented a RESTful service layer, ACAD-WS, on top of the central institutional software (ACAD) used at the University. ACAD-WS exposes some of ACAD's core functionalities to client-side applications used by the faculty.


Polytechnic Faculty, National University of Asuncion, Jun 2015 - Jan 2016
Java EE Vaadin JBoss PostgreSQL AngularJS

I contributed to the new version of the institutional software known as ACAD7, developed and maintained by the Centro Nacional de Computación (National Computing Center, CNC). This software is the central institutional system used at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (National University of Asunción, UNA). I worked at CNC offices on behalf of Facultad Politécnica (Polytechnic Faculty, FP-UNA). During this period, I helped FP-UNA to migrate to the new version of ACAD.


Polytechnic Faculty, National University of Asuncion, Mar 2013 - Jun 2013
JSF Richfaces Spring Liquibase JBoss PostgreSQL

I implemented several features of an integrated platform used at a hospital and contributed to the internal framework development.

Product catalog

Calvo Cendra S.A., Jan 2012 - Mar 2012
PHP Yii framework Ext JS JQuery MySQL Git wkhtmltopdf pdftk

I designed and implemented a web product catalog used internally by the company's sales team.

Online tech support system

Paraguay Educa, Jan 2011 - Mar 2011
PHP Yii framework Ext JS MySQL Git Apache

As a software developer intern, I was in charge of implementing features of the online tech support system.